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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Superintendent of TSCC 1446

On August 19, 2010, the Directors of the Board of the 880 building (TSCC 1446, aka Parkside) received an email from Michael Doherty, the property manager, informing the Board that George, the superintendent of TSCC 1446 had resigned, effective September 7, 2010, and that he had taken up another superintendent job at another condo corporation.

At the Board of Director's meeting on August 25, 2010, the Board was made aware then of a letter of reprimand sent by Michael Doherty to George that George was allegedly interfering with contractors. This letter of reprimand was dated July 12, 2010.

Some members of the Board were not happy in being informed of this incident at such a late stage that it would be indifferent to verify the allegations in the letter (because George had already taken up another job), and that there is virtually no leeway to maneuver and take any proactive steps to let the employee to improve himself if any of the allegations were true.

The property manager was then given a clear directive from the Board that the property manager should in the future notify the Board all such written warnings to the employee(s) of the corporation within a week. This hopefully will give the Board more time in the future in similar situations to understand, investigate and take the appropriate course of action.

[Note: The superintendent is an employee of the condo corporation, but the property manager is not. The property manager Michael Doherty, and the assistant Maggie Yim are just contractors providing their services through their employer, Del Property Management.]

The property manager also mentioned that to get a good superintendent, it may take weeks, or even months. He proposed a candidate, Byron, who had previously worked with/under Michael Doherty for over 5 years. And Michael Doherty suggested a higher compensation for Byron in order to lure Byron from his current job.

In view of the possible degradation (if without a superintendent) of the up-keeping of the building in the next many weeks (if not many months), the Board felt that their hands are being tied and had but to agree to hire Byron as TSCC 1446's next superintendent at a significantly higher cost.

So, please welcome Byron, the new superintendent, to TSCC 1446, the 880 building!

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  1. Rumour has it that perhaps George might have found out that Michael might be getting "greased" by contractors. This could be the true meaning of "interfering with contractors."

    If that were the case, it's logical to think that Michael would not want George around to tell the tale and spread the truth. Along this line of thought, it would be shrewd for Michael to let the Board know at the latest possible time so that there is no way to turn things around since George has already taken up another job by then.

    Smart move, Michael!

  2. One day when I was sorting thru junk mails from my mail box outside the management office, I heard a loud rumbling, ranting voice. I recognized it was Michael's voice. From the context, I figured he was swearing at Maggie. Obviously he didn't know that I was outside the management office and I could hear what he was shouting at the top of his lung. He continued to swear at Maggie in vulgar words that I wouldn't even want to repeat here. I definitely wouldn't allow my kids to utter those words.

    At that moment I was wondering why Maggie had to take this non-sense from Michael. The casitas board of directors should do something to save Maggie from being so grossly verbally abused by Michael.

    After reading this post, now I sort of understand why. Because Maggie and Michael are both Del's employees, not casitas. Michael is Maggie's boss. I guess that's why Maggie had to take this kind of crap from that big jerk Michael. But that still doesn't give Michael the right to treat Maggie like dirt.

    Poor Maggie!
